I’ve had a lot of questions from friends/family/strangers/even supporters about what my intentions are for The World Race.
And welp, here I am…. 48 hours away from flying off to India, questioning those same questions.
Why did I decide to give up my life in America? What have I done? Did I just make the biggest mistake of my life? I’m not going to see my furry daughter (Mia, the cat), eat Mac ‘n Cheese, go to The Porch on Tuesday nights and hug my parents for 11 months. THAT’S NEARLY A YEAR. Even worse, I don’t know where I’ll be… what I’ll be doing… how the weather will be… how to dress…. what I’ll eat… or any of the languages and cultural norms anywhere I go. I say this a lot in America but now, more than ever, I will truly be pushed out of my comfort zone.
I’m even starting to second guess international missions. Why leave? There is so much I can do in Houston. In Texas. For our great nation of America. I got this God…I can do this… I can answer your call AND stay in in the comforts of my home.
But no. The Lord spoke to me today.
“At daybreak, Jesus went out to a solitary place. The people were looking for him and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving them. But he said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” Luke4:42-43 NIV
Oh man, that hit me. No. Like it REALLY hit me. God doesn’t call us to a life of comfort. Guess what? He didn’t even call for HIS OWN SON to have a comfortable life. Jesus was sent here on this earth specifically TO leave his hometown to proclaim the gospel. So yes, I could totally stay in Houston, have full confidence in my salvation and spend the rest of my numbered days here with college football and Astros games… but no.
I’m reminded of how my life was before Christ saved me. I’m reminded of how I was lost… and now, how I am found. I’m reminded of the shame and depression that ruled my life… and now, how I am no longer condemned. I’m reminded how unloved I felt by everyone… and now, how I His beloved daughter, who is redeemed.
God is calling me, along with 52 of my other brave squadmates, to do something more.
That’s why I have to go.