I decided to surrender my life to Jesus exactly a year ago last month. This is what one year of being a Follower of Christ has taught me:

Before… I thought religion was full of strict and silly rules to follow. 
But now, I know following Him will cost everything in this life but I’ll gain more than I could ever imagine. 

Before… I used to think you should always follow your heart.
But now, I’ve learned the heart is deceitful. Feelings are true but not reliable. Rely on truth… HIS truth.

Before… I was ashamed of being Asian. 
But now, I am proud of the heritage and story God has given me.

Before… I found my identity in how many guys I could simultaneously date, what expensive clothes I could wear, and how hard I could party. 
But now, I only find my identity in Christ and Him who lives in me. 

Before… I was afraid of being “weird” or seen as a religious “freak.”
But now, Ive been taught that REAL faith is countercultural and uncompromising. Jesus isn’t asking me to get up on the cross. He already did it, but now He’s asking me to carry it. 

Before… I thought my life was my own and I could satisfy any and every desires of my flesh. 
But now, I know my body was paid at a price. God isn’t trying to rip me off from having fun… He wants to save me from trouble and unnecessary pain. 

Before… I thought I could be a good “Christian” without belonging to a church. 
But now, I realized you need to be surrounded by Brothers and Sisters in Christ to admonish, love, encourage and not let the defeats of the day bring my faith down. 

Before… I thought you could have faith but you should remain silent in order to not offend others. 
But now, I’ve learned not to let culture and society teach me, and to lovingly teach His truth to others. 

Before… I thought you couldn’t be a missionary if you hadn’t been a Christian for a long time. 
But now, I learned that He equips the called, not calls the equipped. 

Before… I would compare my strengths and weaknesses among others. 
But now, I’ve learned that we all make up the body of Christ and our gifts are different kinds of service but all for the same Lord. 

Before… I would especially judge “Christians” if I saw them sinning. 
But now, I am reminded that only Jesus was the perfect human that lived on this earth. Instead of judging people, I need to demonstrate the love and grace that Christ has shown me! 

Before… I used to think talking about religion to a stranger was disrespectful and offensive.
But now, I’ve learned we are called to NEVER stop speaking truth and spreading the good news of the gospel, because that’s the most loving thing we can do as a Christian. 

Before… I used to think our mission in life was to have the best career… to make the most money… in order to buy the nicest toys. 
But now, I realized our spiritual gifts, talents, and money are not our own. I can either be a servant of God or be a servant to my “stuff.”

Before… I thought I had a right to hold on to the past and keeping grudges on people in my life was something I deserved. 
But now, I’ve learned anger is just as bad as murder. Only God can forgive sin so I need to release others from their debts like Christ did for me. 

Before… I thought it was my job to convert people to Christianity. 
But now, I’ve been taught that it’s our responsibility to plant the seed and it’s up to the Holy Spirit to change hearts. 

Before…. I used to think all religions, as long as you were a good person, could get you to heaven.
But now, I realized accepting Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life. Jesus, Himself, says His way is narrow and few find it. 

After a year of following Christ, I realized I’m not perfect, nor will ever be. But that’s the beauty of grace.  I’ve been able to tell you what I’ve learned as a “Christian” but I simply cannot express in words the emotions and feelings of peace, joy and happiness that have come with surrendering my life to Jesus. 

Before… I was a slave to this fleeting world.
But now, I have been truly set free.