This last debrief we had an afternoon of encouragement for the women: a time for the beautifully talented ladies of our squad to call each other into the greatness that they can embrace for the next six months of this race and for the rest of their lives. Here are a couple of notes that struck me: 


“You are a royal princess of the Kingdom of Heaven. Walk in royalty. Wear purple. “


“Royalty! You are freaking royal. I see the Queen in you . . . I love that I’m able to be in the presence of royalty!”


“You are: a warrior princess, golden, fair, strong, lovely, encouraging, HIS.”


I had trouble sharing this. Why? What is it about these phrases that makes me feel so unworthy? Why can’t I accept this encouragement? What is it that makes me want to cry and shudder in a corner?

Worthiness in the dictionary is defined as “deserving effort, attention, or respect; having or showing the qualities and abilities that merit recognition in a specified way; good enough, suitable”


Even writing that definition makes me tear up.


Ever since the beginning of this race, I have felt a small connection to Esther. She was an amazing woman of God, but she was pulled into positions of influence in order to be used. She followed the Lord’s calling and embraced her position as queen and ended up saving a nation. It took the words of her cousin Mordecai to build up her courage as queen to confront her husband about the injustices of his right hand man, but she did. I wish I could ask her what was going on in her head when all that was happening to her . . .

As soon as Esther embraced her worthiness and position in royalty, she was able to do great things through the Lord. She saved a nation. I wonder what the Lord could do through me when I realize that I am royalty in His kingdom.

I am worthy. It is a weird thing to think about. I never considered myself as being unworthy, but there is something that gets extremely encouraged when I hear these words; as if I didn’t believe them before they were told to me. 

I am in no way done processing this idea, let alone accepting it, but I wanted to let you all know that I am worthy. I am FREAKING royal!


1 Peter 2:9

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”