This month I was blessed to work with an amazing group of Bulgarian men and women who worked at an organization named “Mission Possible.” We spent the majority of the month cleaning and packaging food and delivering said food to Roma villages all throughout the Bulgarian countryside – and it was amazing. It was wonderful being able to do something different, something more “behind-the-scenes” in a country, knowing that our work would bring many people to the Lord. The contacts were fantastic at explaining the purpose behind our work and, in the end, showed us really how generous a person can become.
There were so many instances this month when our contacts were giving us treats and taking us out to dinner, and we had nothing in return to give but our most sincere gratitude. Without warning they would buy us lunch or give us cake they had leftover and we would simply take the gifts we were given. Without even knowing, they had taught me how to be generous without any expectation of having that blessing returned. It was refreshing to encounter such a generous host, and it has inspired me to become more generous with my everyday life as well!
Here is the video of Bulgaria, and the wonderfully generous staff we were blessed to work with for the month: