Lately WORDS have been resonating in my spirit.  small wordsBIG words.







That is the one word I can’t get away from.  What does it mean to be satisfied?  There is a song I love by Misty Edwards and my favorite line is “only you can satisfy”. 

A few years ago I didn’t think it was possible. I didn’t really know a God who could satisfy me.  I didn’t think that He could make me happy; didn’t really think that he even wanted to make me happy.  I needed a fulfilling job, a bigger truck, a husband, a family with a picket fence…then I would be satisfied

Somehow then I sold all that stuff, gave up husband-hunting for 11 months and lost my life.  Remember in Matthew where Jesus tells us to lose our life in order to find our life?

“For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his
 for me will find it.”  Mt 16:25

Yep, I lost my life.  For all practical purposes, everything in me died. 

And then something funny happened.  Something unexpected, something so rare in this “American dream world” that we live in.  Something I never saw coming.

I was satisfied.

Deep down, at my core, SATISFIED.  I was dirty, hot, hungry, exhausted, and SATISFIED.

I found that only he could really satisfy me. 

Are you satisfied?  What makes you satisfied?  Is HE satisfying you?