Last week a few of us were riding in a van on our way to the ELEVENTH airport of the month and in order to entertain ourselves we decided to do a little math.
Being an accountant and all, you would not think high math would be a challenge for me, but it was, so I took great notes and wanted to share a few numbers with you…
14…the number of flights i have had in the past 30 days
6…the number of different currencies I can currently find in my purse
13...the number of beds I have slept in the past 30 days
10…the number of World Race squads I have had interaction with in the past 30 days
7...the number of times I have switched time zones in the past 30 days (no wonder I am still jet lagging!)
60+...the number of in-depth, meaningful conversations I have had with World Racers in the past 30 days
The number of World Racers I have had contact with in the past 30 days.
That last number is the one I really was blown away by. In 30 days I have had the opportunity to impact the lives of 230 World Racers. Sometimes it was a quick bite to eat, sometimes it was sharing my testimony with a group, sometimes it was prayer, coffee, sharing a bed, a car ride, a bus ride, and on and on I could go. 230. wow.
That is 230 chances to impact people for the kingdom. 230 opportunities to challenge them to dig deeper into what God has for them, 230 chances to encourage them, 230 chances to speak life into their situations, 230 opportunities to call down fire from heave during prayer, 230 chances to hear their hearts, 230 chances to listen, 230 chances to love them, 230 opportunities to help them hear the voice of God. 230 chances to love them like Jesus.

There have definitely been times when I have wondered if coming off the field was the right thing to do. I was tired, a little burned out, but overall I loved what I was doing. I love holding orphans, praying at the hospitals, and prayer walking through little villages. BUT, nothing could have prepared me for how much I love what I am doing. EVERY day I wake up in amazement that this is the life the Lord has called me to.
Those 230 World Racers mean everything to me. It is even more rewarding to realize that every, single one of those Racers is out there “doing the stuff.” They are praying in hospitals, holding orphans, singing VBS songs, and loving on more people than I can imagine. I get to impact 230 and they impact the nations. amazing…
click here if you can help us impact the nations. We absolutely can’t do this without your prayers and support. You have no idea the impact $10 can make; just like I had no idea the impact 230 people can make.