Two years ago I drove into Gainesville, GA with absolutely NO idea what was about to happen to my life.  I could have never predicted that I would fall in love with missions like I did and I could certainly have never predicted that I would be in 15+ countries over the next 2 years and get to watch the Kingdom come all over the earth.  .
I honestly believed I was going to go do a little mission trip for a year and return to life as I knew it.  haha!  Joke is definitely on me!
Training Camp in April 2007 was terrifying, exhilarating and absolutely nothing like I expected.  There were tents, cold water showers, team builders, strange food, and let’s not forget the weird Holy Spirit people…more than once I wanted to exit as fast as possible.  There were maybe even a few tearful phone calls home.  maybe.
Last week I had the pleasure of being a staff person for Training Camp for the June 2009 World Race squad and many things are still the same.  Tents, cold showers, team builders, really strange food…..and Holy Spirit people.  Except this time I WAS the strange Holy Spirit person!   And I am willing to bet there were some tearful phone calls home; just not made by me!
This was the 3rd training camp I have been apart of and they just get better and better.  There is something about hanging out for 10 days with some people about to embark on a life-changing journey that is just downright exciting!  I have written a lot of blogs over the past two years about the people that I have met out in the World and what God is doing in their lives.  I have seen God move in miraculous ways in Africa, Asia and Central America.  
Now it is time to share with you is how God is moving in those same miraculous ways, right here in America.
People were set free, demons were cast out, healing took place in countless hearts, and 35+ young people were awakened to new life in the Kingdom.  It is absolutely amazing to be a part of the life change that happens in 10 short days in sleepy Gainesville, GA.  So many times we relegate the miraculous to things that happen “over there” meaning in places like Mozambique and Kenya and we forget that the SAME God who is there is HERE.  RIght here.  He wants to do the same miraculous things in our hearts and our lives. 
In the next few days I want to share with you the stories of some people who have experienced the supernatural power of their Heavenly Father right here in this amazing country.