This week we have the privledge of living at and ministering at a community project named REFILWE.

We are north of Johannesburg in South Africa and will be working with three seperate VBS ministries in the next few weeks. We arrived Wednesday night after a LONG bus ride and spent the rest of this week preparing for VBS starting on Monday. Please see Cricket’s Blog

for a description of some of the work we have done this week. It has been fun to use our hands and feet in a very practical way.

I thought you all would love to see of the precious kiddos that we are getting to interact with on a regular basis here at Refilwe. The center acts as a Foster home to about 30 kids here on the property and also has a daily drop-in center for about 120 additional kids. They also run some animal husbandry projects, sewing circles, and further education for the adults. It is an amazing center and you can tell it is making an impact on this community. Check it out at!

The beautiful girls of Refilwe:

Do you see Jesus in these eyes?

You can check out additional pictures in the PICS section on the left. Love you all!