Getting all the World Racers to agree on anything can be tough. We disagree about food, transportation, theology…you name it and we all have different views. Except on one thing.

Community is HARD.

Every single one of us will agree that community living has been one of the hardest things we have encountered all year.

It has also been the most rewarding aspect of the Race. We often joke that it is like we married 25 other people–except we didn’t get to pick any of them.

We can always find someone to shop with you, eat with you and laugh with you. There is never a shortage of entertainment and fun abounds. You have 25 different wardrobes to chose from, you can always borrow a pen, a Bible, a pillow, etc…and there are always plenty of extra opinions floating around in case you want to debate!

We have all struggled to deal with eating, sleeping, pottying, praying and existing with 25 others ALWAYS around, but it has been absolutely amazing. One of the main factors of the amazingness is the 25 other people. All year I have been surrounded by the best people on the planet. They have supported me, challenged me, laughed at me, taught me, encouraged me and prayed with me.

As we near the end of the race (25 days, if anyone is counting…) I wanted to do something special for these amazing brothers and sisters. They are not just friends, but family. Each day until we arrive home I will post a blog about one of the amazing Racers. Every single one of them has touched my life in ways this year that just can’t be explained.

As you read about them please pray for them. Rejoice for the mighty work that the Lord has done in their life this year and pray for their next steps. Pray that the Lord will continue to reveal the good works he has prepared in advance for them to do. Praise Him for the huge role they have played in my life this year. I stand in awe that He would surround me with there precious people and allow me the opportunity to spend a year with them.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” Proverbs 27:17