Tuesday evening my team had the opportunity to share a meal with a local Swazi pastor and his family. Some of the team had met Pastor Pop earlier in the week and had attended his church and school. He and his family were gracious enough to open their home to us and we were so blessed by their hospitality.

The evening with the Pops really opened my eyes to how I hope to treat missionaries I meet in the future, I hope I have the opportunity to bless them as much as the Pops blessed me.

We laughed amongst ourselves about how excited we were to ride in a “real car” and to eat a meal in a “real house”. We felt like people who had been seperated from civilization for years, not weeks. They had a beautiful home that was even more beautiful to us because of the sweet spirit that inhabited the home.

We were invited in to a meal of chicken curry, cottage pie and amazing bread pudding for desert. A finer spread I had not seen in weeks and we were so incredibly grateful. Regardless of the fabulous food, the Pops blessed us with encouragement and support for our upcoming journeys. They are a family who have truly experienced a God who gives and takes away and they encouraged us to keep forging ahead and trusting God.

Thank you to our new friends, the Pops. We were so blessed by our evening with you!