We all have expectations, like it or not we have expectations of how our life is going to look, who will be in our life, and how we will behave. I had expectations of Africa, strong expectations. I believed that God had placed Africa in my heart many years ago, but honestly I really didn’t believe I would ever get to experience Africa. I was almost afraid to come here because it would not meet my expectations. They were outlandish and unfathomable all in one package.

I have been here exactly a week tonight and can honestly say that Africa far exceeds any expectation I held.  

I expected the people to be poor, check.

I expected the land to be beautiful, check.

I expected to see wild animals that you read about in Jungle Book, check.

I expected God to become “real” to me, check.

I expected to be humbled and led to action, check.

God is alive and moving here in Africa more than I have ever seen or could ever expect. It is impossible to pass a 70 year old woman on the street carrying her week’s worth of groceries on her head and not fall on your face humbled by a big God. It is impossible to pass a homeless 13 year old on the street and give him your precious chocolate and watch him gobble it down in less than 5 seconds flat and not be humbled by the upbringing that I was privledged to have. It is impossible to complain about a cold shower when you pass home after home without running water. It is impossible to question how God could ask you to travel away from friends and family when you meet Him every time you walk down the street.

I want to bring Africa to everyone sitting behind their computers reading this now. I want to paint a picture of the life here, not because it is horrific, but because it is glorious. It is like having God take ahold of your hand and saying “let me show you my people.” He is truly opening my eyes and holding my hand as I experience His people. I want you to meet the people I meet and see the beautiful Africa that is laid out before me every morning that I open my eyes.

In Velvet Elvis Rob Bell has an interesting point of view of missionaries. He claims that we are really more in a role of playing TOUR GUIDE. He says ” It is almost as if being a missionary means having really good eyesight. Or maybe it means teaching people to use their eyes to see things that have always been there, they just didn’t realize it. You see God where others don’t. And then you point him out.”

I am blessed to be called to travel the World and point out a big God to some who may not yet see him there. Imagine what happens when they point me to a God who is so much bigger than my expectations.

Care to join me on the tour?

2 Corinthians 2:14-15 “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.”