only to steal and kill and destroy”

We have all heard this before, heck we have probably recited it a few times in our lives. Before leaving for the World Race I probably would have said that I have experienced it. Nothing compares to the stealing, killing, and destroying that I am seeing here in Thailand.

I am currently in Phuket, Thailand with Team Concrete and Team Zion for a few weeks. We have partnered with a missionary family here trying to make a difference in the lives of women that are a part of the sex trade industry. Check it out at

Part of our ministry is going out to the bars each night and spending time with the girls and building relationships with them.

Mark and Sharon then invite them to leave their jobs at the bars and work for S.H.E.(Self Help and Empowerment) making cards and jewelry. The cards and jewelry are then sold to the UK and USA. It is amazing that this one couple is making an impact in a huge way in their lives. There are currently 4 girls that have come out of the bars and are working full-time for S.H.E. Mark and Sharon have no requirements of the girls except that they leave the bar scene. In the meantime, the girls are soaked in Jesus while working at S.H.E. everyday.

We went out for the first time on Thursday night. Mark and Sharon went with us to show us the ropes and introduce us to some of the girls that they already knew. We had a fantastic time and spent quality time at a bar named the JOY BAR (ironic, i know). Some of our team split up and went to another bar and hung out with 3-4 specific girls. They invited them all to join us the next day at the shop and we moved on. We saw a few more people and decided to call it a night about midnight.

The next morning we all stumbled downstairs about 8:30am for worship and prayed over our night and all the girls we had met. Would you believe that within the hour 4 new girls showed up on the doorstop. This was a huge breakthrough and an amazing and immediate answer to prayer. We silently rejoiced as Mark and Sharon showed them the shop and explained the set-up. One girl even decided to start work immediately and has been living with us ever since.

It was an awesome morning and our faith was so buoyed by the immediate answer to our cries.

Then, the evil one tried to steal our joy. Sharon had been out shopping at the mall picking up a few things. She grabbed a quick drink and realized that her wallet had been stolen out of her purse. Unfortunately all of the money that we had paid them for the month 50,000 baht (about $1,500 USD) was in the wallet. This is a missionary family living on support, just like us, and they had lost all the money that we gave them to provide lodging, food, etc…for us for the month. ‘The thief only comes to kill and steal and destroy” immediately echoed in my heart.

After such an amazing morning I can honestly say that he had robbed us of our joy. We thought up many schemes to try and repay them, ask AIM for more money, etc…but we always came up short. I knew in my heart that God would provide.

This is where you come in. You can click this link to be directed back to the AIM main page and the Support Link. If you feel led to help the S.H.E. ministry support 11 world racers for the month please donate here. All of the money will be given to S.H.E. and will help them cover the cost of hosting us this month and to ultimately help the women of Thailand.

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World Race Ministry-SHE MINISTRY” in the space provided in order to be sure your funds will go into the account designated for this ministry. These gifts are tax-deductible.

If you wish to send a donation by mail, please make your check payable to Adventures In Missions and mail it to:

Adventures In Missions

P.O. Box 534470

Atlanta, GA 30353-4470

Please indicate

“World Race Ministry-SHE MINISTRY” in the memo section of the check.