I have been in Tanzania 5 nights and slept in 3 different beds and 3 different cities.  I walked into a fancy hotel today to try and “borrow” some internet and looked in a mirror and almost cried.  I was surrounded by business suits and perfume and I honest to goodness looked homeless.  I am not sure when the last time we had the combination of a mirror and good lighting, but it was a scary sight!  Such is the life of a World Racer.

We set out early Sunday morning from Nairobi and spent the day on the road traveling to Arusha, Tanzania.  We arrived at a YWAM base at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro and enjoyed 2 nights with the teams there. 

By Tuesday Kelly and I hopped a public bus and met up with another team we had left about an hour away in the city.  2 nights with them and we hopped another early bus bound for Dar es Salaam, the capital city of Tanzania.  The further south we drove the hotter it got and we are officially melting!  I think I must have forgotten to check the weather and did not mentally prepare myself for the humidity!

We are here in Dar to help process the team’s visas into India next month.  India can be a little tricky to get visas, so basically I just pray while the girls finagle things with the embassy officials.  So far, so good!

We will visit another team later this week a ways outside of Dar, but surely after 3 nights in one place we will be ready to go again!  Ha!

As soon as we get settled I will attempt to re-create some of the amazing stories from Uganda for your reading pleasure.  Until then, please pray that the VISAS continue to go smoothly and that we recover from heat stroke!