It has been a whirlwind week since I arrived in the States last Wednesday. I have said more goodbyes and hellos than imaginable and can’t express the emotion that goes along with it. It is strange to have the lowest of lows clash with the highest of highs all in the matter of hours.

I have been trying all week to figure out how to tell you what re-entry is really like, but words won’t do it justice.

Mama Carol, Me, and Selena (you have my heart) Day at Final Debrief

Some of the crew at Debrief

Cristie and I out to dinner

The Awaken Team pic at Debrief

The goodbyes were some of the hardest I have ever said, but we all agreed it is simply “See ya later” for now. I miss these wonderful people more than I can express and can’t wait to see them again.

A few hours later the exciting HELLOS began! I have amazing friends and family who all love me so much and worked so hard to make my homecoming special.

HUGE Airport welcome!

We managed to hit a Derby party, homecoming party, 3 church services and tons of FOOD all within the first two days of coming home, so it is safe to say I am LOVED by so many awesome people. We had another homecoming party last night to thank some of the BEST supporters I could ask for and it was so good to see everyone.

I dreamed of coming home many nights on the Race and nothing I dreamed could ever compare to the amazing welcome I received. Thank you to everyone who made it so special. I love you all!

I have lived Psalm 121:7-8 this year and the Lord is so good.

“The Lord will keep you from all harm-he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”