One of our favorite World Race sayings is from Thailand “Same Same, but Different.”  We loved it then and it has stuck with us all year.

The following is a classic example of same, same, but different:

The Spring before the Race.  Emme and I horse showing at the KY Horse Park.

My Guatemalan friend and partner for the morning.

These two riding experiences were clearly very different. but both so unique and amazing too.  All year, I have avoided riding.  Granted, there have been few opportunities, but it is like I just shut that part of my brain down for a year.  I rarely even talked about it and never really acknowledged that it was a HUGE part of my “pre-race” life.  As coming home gets closer, I am starting to think about all the parts of my life that I turned off this past year and riding is a major aspect.  Our contact presented the idea of “caballos” to us this weekend and we took him up on it.  We took a two hour trek up the side of a volcano, that just happened to be along the beautiful coastline of Lake Atitlan.  I have ridden in some pretty fabulous places in my life, and this definitely takes the cake.  It is breathtaking.

We had a blast and a few mishaps and can’t wait to do it again.  It makes me all the more excited to come home and see Emme and start remembering bits and pieces of my pre-race life.  I am constantly blown away by the faithfulness of the Lord.  He knew that I needed a sweet reminder of things to come in a few days–and provided the perfect opportunity to be awed by His majesty and have fun with my family this week.  Thank you Lord!