I am a GO person.  GO do this, GO do that, I am always GOING here, or GOING there.  Naturally, the ‘ole Ready, Set, GO resonates with me.

But lately the theme has been Ready, Set, DIE!
The thoughts, hopes, dreams I have for my life have had to die.  My expectations for how my own life should look have had to die.  The way that I think things should be done have had to die.  My pride has had to die a few times.  Doing things in my own strength has had to die.    It has been a season of Ready, Set, DIE!  
I remember when I was first getting ready to go on the World Race and I could not believe the level of dying I had to experience. I could not believe that the Lord would ask me to give up so much.  I struggled to let go of friends, family, houses, trucks, stuff in general.  At the time it seemed so daunting and so cruel.  It was a very hard season of death.
And now I look back on that and think 2 things;  1.  that seems like such child’s play compared to this season of death.  That stuff was easy compared to the things I am dying to these days.   AND 2.  the amount of LIFE that came from that death I can’t even explain.  The things that have happened in my life because I said yes to that death.  The ways the Lord moved and worked and EXPLODED beyond my imagination.  All because of death.
My only conclusion to this Ready, Set, DIE is YES LORD!  I can’t see it now, I have no idea what is coming…but I know that death brings life.  Those are His words after all……so I am embracing the Ready, Set, DIE….
For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.  Matthew 16:25