Tara Reed is a racer on our June 09 squad.  I just spent last week worshipping with this awesome fireball and was traveling back to the US when I got a phone call about an accident.  Please join me in prayer for 100%, complete and TOTAL healing in JESUS’ name.
Here is her story:
 It all happened so fast. One moment, I was sitting on the 2nd
floor balcony having my time with God, the next moment, I was falling
helplessly towards the pavement in Bucharest, Romania.   I hit the
ground. As I lay there gasping for air, all I could do was call out the
name of Jesus. I heard people yelling my name, and I told them I
couldn’t breathe or move. After lying in agonizing pain for about 25
minutes, the ambulance arrived and people gathered around.   They
stabilized me and put me in the ambulance, while my team was calling
out prayers for me.   My teammates followed me in a taxi, while in the
ambulance I was crying out to God to take the pain away and let me walk
again. I then realized that I could move my arms and legs, and I
thanked the Lord.  He had saved me from head injuries, paralysis, and
even death.  As they wheeled me in to the Emergency Room, it seemed
like 13 doctors and assistants surrounded me, all speaking “Romanian”
to me in loud voices as fast as possible. One doctor said in broken
English, “We take off your clothes now”, then looking at the pain in my face, he said, “we cut off your clothes now.” 

On the way to x-rays, one of the doctors asked if I was a
Christian. I told him “yes”, and asked him if he was a Christian. He
said “yes”. I said, “Isn’t it great to know that God loves you and you
can feel His love?” He said, “God doesn’t love me.” I explained to him
how he is God’s child and that God does love him, and then I prayed
with him.   (We have found that although over 90% in Romania claim to
be Orthodox Christians, many have never experienced God’s love).  

After x-rays and ct scans, I found myself in a large open room with
many other patients and doctors. The man in the bed next to me screamed
out in pain, saying “stop!!!please don’t!!!” The doctors were having to
re-set his arm. As the doctors walked away, he was whimpering in
“gypsy”. I began singing to him the only song in “gypsy” that I
know, “Nadeek tu”, which says that we are all the same in God’s eyes
and he loves us. The man settled down and fell asleep.

After many conversations, prayers, and pain medication, I was
admitted into the hospital. Damaris, Tiffany, Heather, and Scottie
stayed with me in the hospital all night. I didn’t receive any more
pain meds that night, but the girls prayed and read Scripture over me
all night. The Dr. came in and explained that I had fractured my pelvis
and it was separated and would require surgery. He told me that within
three months I would be able to sit up in my bed, and would gradually
improve.    We continued to pray and sing songs to God, as other team
members came and left, but God surrounded the room with his presence
and peace. 

“Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell
God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will
experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His
peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ
Jesus.”     -Philippians 4:6

 God made this familiar verse truly come alive in my life. 

As news leaked out, people began praying all around the
world. My mother and friend headed out from Phoenix to be with me. The
rest of my I-Squad had to leave for Turkey, and the decision was made
for Dan and Becky to stay with me. What a beautiful ministry it has
been! It has been incredible to have them there to comfort me and help
me in so many ways. Dan & Becky spent one night in the hospital bed
next to me and assisted in duties such as bed pan duty, holding hands
during shots, making sure the bathroom was clean, talking with the
Doctors, and more.  We spent most of our time praying for each other,
and praying over other people in the hospital, and making cards for
others in the hospital. It was incredible to see each of us have our
own ministry with different people in the hospital yet still love on
each other as family.

On Monday, the Doctor took another x-ray and this time the results
showed four minor fractures, but it was no longer necessary to have
surgery! God again shows himself faithful and He is the great healer! 
God made my favorite Psalm come alive. 
“I love you, Lord; you are my strength.  The Lord is my rock,
my fortress, and my Savior.  My God is my rock, in whom I find
protection.  He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of
safety.  I called on the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and he saved me
from my enemies.  The ropes of death entangled me; the floods of
destruction swept over me.  The grave wrapped its ropes around me;
death laid a trap in my path.  But in my distress, I cried out to the
Lord; yes, I prayed to my God for help.  He heard me from his santuary;
my cry to him reached my ears…He reached down from heaven and rescued
me; he drew me out of deep waters…He led me to a place of safety; he
rescued me because he delights in me…You light a lamp for me.  The
Lord, my God, lights up my darkness.  In your strength I can crush any
army; with my God I can scale any wall.   God’s way is perfect . All
the Lord’s promises prove true.  He is a shield to all who look to him
for protection.  For who is God except the Lord?  Who but our God is a
solid rock?  God arms me with strength, and he makes my way
perfect. The Lord lives! Praise to my rock!  May the God of my
salvation be exalted!  -Psalm 18:1-6, 16, 19, 28-32, 46
God is a great God and I trust Him.