“I will awaken the dawn.
I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations;
I will sing of you among the peoples.
For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies.” Psalm 108: 2-4

The Lord has sent us to AWAKEN the nations and we are headed into a “closed Asian nation” to do just that. I am currently enjoying a week of debrief in Hong Kong and we will leave on Sunday for a few weeks to an undisclosed location. For the protection of our contacts we will not be able to share our location with you, but know that we are carrying the love of Christ into a nation hungry for God.

Beginning November 18th we will be participating in a cultural exchange program with a university. We will spend our mornings learning calligraphy, Asian cooking and other historical and cultural topics of this particular country. Each afternoon we will have the opportunity to meet with students to build friendships and help them with their English. It is in the middle of these friendships that we will share the Gospel and what the Lord has done in our lives.

Your prayer is vital to our ministry this month. We will need you to intercede on our behalf for ministry opportunities, favor with government officials, traveling mercies, and for the light of Christ to shine through us as we go. We will have quite a lot of travel planned in the next few weeks, so prayers for safety is welcomed as usual.

I can honestly say we are all extremely excited for this opportunity. We like to pretend that we are on CSI or something very James Bond-ish and are dealing with life and death situations, but the reality is that we are dealing with something much larger than life and death. We are talking about Eternity; we are talking about the souls of millions of people who have not heard the name of Jesus. Pray that we carry His name effectively to all who have ears to hear.

At the last possible date we will be back in touch just before Christmas, probably around December 22nd or so. We will be missing Thanksgiving with our families so your extra prayers during the holidays are appreciated. Our contacts have asked us not to make phone calls, use the internet or email, or have any contact outside of the World Race while we are in country. Many missionaries have sacrificed years in our location and we would hate to put them in any detriment, so we will be faithful to honor their requests.

I pray that God Blesses you this month and can’t wait to catch up with all of you. Please continue to send emails, encouragement, etc.  I would love to have a stack of mail to read when I get back.

Much Love!

ps-the pictures are from Downtown Hong Kong. Beautiful place!

Also:  We are working on getting an address for Christmas cards, letters, etc…As soon as the address is available I will post it on the blog.  Please check the main World Race page as well.   We will travel to Manila, Philippines in late December and celebrate Christmas there.  Hopefully we will have plenty of Christmas mail to welcome us!