I am still trying to catch up from 2 weeks of training camp and 1 week in Ireland. My apologies for the long pause in blogging; I promise I am working on getting better! Again, I sit here with so many thoughts–which should I capture and share and which should I let pass for now? How much to share, how little to share…it is all a balancing act I guess.

My week in ireland is hard to describe. The 84 new racers that we launched there were excited, ready to go and challenged. I am not sure if you have noticed yet, but we don’t teach nice little “christian” things. We challenge every paradigm they have known, we challenge their theology, their motivation and even their physical comforts.
I smile inwardly as they grapple through the questions and try to find solid footing on sliding pebbles. I can only smile because I know what will happen on the other side. I KNOW that the brokenness eventually leads to destiny. I KNOW that the questions will only lead to more questions. I KNOW that 11 months later they will walk fully alive and in love with Jesus. I KNOW it. Because I have lived it.
Tomorrow I board another plane bound for Costa Rica. 11 months ago I hopped a plane with these fun people and started their journey with them. Tomorrow begins their journey home. I will join them for a week of debrief and celebration. It is bittersweet as I can’t believe it has been another 11 months. 48 more back on American soil. 48 whose lives are so completely different than 11 months ago. 48 that will enjoy carpet, warm water, and ice for the 1st time in a long time. 48 out who will bring LIFE and KINGDOM everywhere they go. Will you pray for them? Pray their families recognize them. Pray they rest and enjoy everything America has to offer. Pray they transition smoothly. Pray they see Jesus everywhere they look. Pray that this just becomes the next month and the next step. Just pray for these awesome people that i really, really love!