One of my forever friends once saw a vision of me.  In the vision there were a bunch of people milling around a swimming pool. Out of the corner came this crazy, catapulting girl.  She was fully dressed adn headed at mach ten for the pool  Her hair was a bit wild and big and there was enormous energy surrounding her.  While everyone stood watching, she leapt straight into the poolI want to spend my life passionately living.  Not just dipping a toe in the pond – but freaking cannon-balling into the big ole body of water.

One of my forever friends once saw a vision of me.  In the vision there were a bunch of people milling around a swimming pool.  Casually standing about minding their own business.  Out of the corner came this crazy catapulting girl. She was fully dressed and headed at mach ten for the pool.  Her hair was a bit wild and big and there was enormous energy surrounding her.

While everyone else stood around watching, she leapt straight into the pool.

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