I want to share a blog comment I received from a wonderful lady. I have never met her, but she has blessed me. It is not your typical blessing, but actually a rebuke. It is a rebuke in truth and love and completely backed up by Scripture and I love her for it.
has for her. A great detriment to the Holy Spirit is being skeptical.
Remember He is the third part of the Godhead and so important you can
blasphemy God and Jesus, but it is unforgivable to blasphemy the Holy
Spirit. And that is recorded in the gospels (Mt.12 and Mk.3) when
Jesus, just like Bentley in Lakeland, was in town healing and raising
the dead, there were skeptics and the leadership even claimed it was
from the devil. My litmus test of the spirits is this, #1 is it being
done “in Jesus name”, #2 who does the person involved say Jesus is, #3
does that person believe Jesus was raised from the dead. If the first
one is yes, the second is God and the third is yes, then you must
understand no matter how uncomfortable it makes you feel it is from
God, or will be from God. I don’t think God is interested in what you
perceive as comfort. That is evident by the Heb.11 men and women of
faith. Do you think it was comfortable for Noah to build an ark when
there had been no rain. How comfortable was Abraham when he took his
son to the mountain. Moses certainly wasn’t comfortable with what God
had for him. Some gave Him arguments about their discomfort, but in the
end they did what God told them to. Abraham, ask no questions, he did
what God told him. By doing so he showed that he put his trust in God
and was blessed for it. I think we should be approaching any reported
move of God in faith. If you are truly walking in His Spririt and are
willing to put on your spiritial eyes and not your carnal eyes, He will
guide you into all truth. Also see Luke 9:49-50 to read what Jesus said
about those who where using Jesus name to force out demons. Above all,
do not be guilty of blasphemy. God’s ways are not our ways, open up
your heart and He will show you the truth.
In regard to the “falling out”, I have not found, in the Bible, where
anyone fell backward. The usually feel forward. But, I will not say
anything against it. I have known many who have experienced this. My
son, at the age of 15 experienced it. His comment, “mom, I felt closer
to God than I ever have, it was beautiful”…..can anyone be skeptical
of that?
Skeptical, cautious, should not be in our vocabulary when we are
approaching the things of God. Faith and trust should be your words.
Trust in the Lord, do not lean on your understanding, acknowledge Him
in everything you do and He will lead you into truth!
The things I am seeing and experiencing are hard to describe. All I can walk away with is that God is here. The atmosphere each night in the tent and each morning at Ignite Church is something I have rarely experienced. The drum beats of Africa and the sweet melody of different languages in the Burmese refugee camps are brought to mind each evening when worship begins. There is just something special about a visitation of God.
It was very easy for me to sit in my living room and watch GodTV and judge what was happening. It was easy to be turned off by tattoos, shouting, shaking, etc…Walking into the tent the first night my walls came down and it was so easy to slip into worship. There was absolutely nothing hindering me from worshiping my Jesus.
If I all do is worship it is more than enough reason to be here. It is the ONLY reason to be here.