After about 500 miles in the car with two of my favorite people in the world we are here! We had a JOYFUL reunion with Sean and it makes us laugh to see how quickly we have all slipped back into our World Race norms. We went to our first session last night and to another again this morning and it has been fantastic! More personal thoughts to come, but I want you guys to wrestle with this stuff first:

One of the first topics I want to dive into is the Holy Spirit. Before the Race I can honestly say I was rather ignorant about this important member of the God-head. I knew He was supposed to guide us, and intercede for us, but I didn’t know much else. I must have glazed over during that Sunday School lesson.

Needless to say it has become much more real to me this last year. I am still extremely lacking in education here, so please bear with me, but I do think there are some points worth discussing. As I searched my Bible and listened to different teachings it became evident how imperative the Holy Spirit is to our communion with God.

First and foremost, what is this baptism of the Holy Spirit? The people I have known who were baptized in the Holy Spirit were those I tended to steer clear of. They sometimes spoke another language (otherwise known as tongues), and generally seemed a little more “crazy” in my naieve eyes. But as I started to study, I found that it is incredibly Biblical and all throughout the Bible.

Most remarkably to me was that Jesus did not do any ministry until he was baptized in the Holy Spirit. In Mark 1:9-11 we are told that Jesus was baptized in water and with the Holy Spirit. This is the first instance where the Holy Spirit descends and remains. Many times throughout the Old Testament the Holy Spirit visits, but never before had he remained with us on earth. If Jesus needed the Holy Spirit before ministering, how much more do we need to be baptized by the Holy Spirit?

Most all of us that grew up in Church have been taught that Jesus’ last words on earth were “Go and tell” or the famous Great Commission. Interestingly enough, once Jesus had been crucified, resurrected and was visiting with his disciples for the final time before his ascension his words are: “…WAIT for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 1:4-5 emphasis mine). We are to wait and desire the baptism of the Holy Spirit; then we will be able to go out and minister in power and love. One chapter later in Acts the Holy Spirit comes in a great rush of wind and fire on the Day of Pentecost and the believers there were filled.

Here are my questions for you:

Have you been baptized by the Holy Spirit? Why or why not? How do you know?

What is your background on the teaching of the Holy Spirit and do you believe it is imperative for effective ministry and communication with Jesus?

What do you know about the Holy Spirit and are there areas where you could stand to dive into Scripture a little further?