We have an exciting opportunity! An anonymous contributor has stepped forward with $5,000 to match contributions to the World Race Ministry Fund from now to the end of the year! For every dollar contributed, a matching gift will be made to this special fund. (For a total of $10,000 with your gifts)
What is the World Race Ministry Fund?
The World Race Ministry fund supplies needs that might not be covered by support funds including:
- Additional translator services in the different countries, helping the World Racers be safer and more effective
- Ministry opportunities encountered on the race (Ex: a family of 8 needs $300 to keep from losing their home in India, and orphan needs medical care in Peru)
- Scholarships at crucial times for World Racers who are still raising support
- Helps pay for important supplies and capital expenditures needed to supplement the race (postage, digital cameras, video cameras, etc)
What happens after the $10,000 is raised?
We will continue to accept gifts while seeking additional personal / corporate donors to pay matching amounts.
Click here:
to participate in this blessed giving opportunity! Remember, donations must be post marked or received by Dec 31st to qualify for a tax deduction in the current year.