Saying good-bye has never been one of my strong suits, but then again I have never really met anyone who enjoys saying good-bye. It just isn’t a word or an emotion that is easily deal with in any situation, especially when leaving for long periods of time.

Unfortunately for me, and the rest of the June team, it is a necessary evil in the coming weeks. Over the past 2 weeks I have had to say good-bye to countless people that I love and there are still more times of uncomfortable departures to come.

I remarked to a good friend today that I anticipated that the 11 month World Race would be difficult, but never imagined the emotional month leading up to my departure would be this hard.

Honestly, I have had a hard time connecting with God the past few weeks, I chalk it up to being too busy, but I really think it comes down to struggling with all He has asked me to do. Too many things to give up, relationships to walk away from, material possessions given away, houses sold, hard good-byes, etc…I really think I have been holding a grudge and an unfair one at that. Yes, He asked…and out of obedience I answered. But, it is the same thing that he has asked of ALL of his followers.

Luke 5:11 “So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him”  

There is nothing special about what he asked me to do, I have not been asked to do anything more than any other follower of Jesus. So why have I had a self-righteous attitude?

I read Luke 5 tonight and had a total attitude shift, that in itself is a miracle! More than 2,000 years ago Jesus asked his followers and they responded by pulling their boats ashore and leaving everything to follow him. I have essentially pulled my boat ashore this week and am leaving everything. In a matter of 12 hours I have lost everything that is familiar and comfortable. I am closing on my house on Friday and that will be the final detail. I am so blessed and excited, but at the same time overwhelmed with all that I have released for him.

The attitude shift is this: how exciting that I can be called a follower of Jesus and that he loves me enough to ask me to follow him!! Of course my answer is yes and I am a little embarrassed at the way that I have been following so grumpily. I praise him tonight for speaking so clearly through this passage and shifting my focus away from what I am losing to what I am gaining.

According to His word, those who lose their lives will gain their lives. That is a hard concept to grasp, but I truly believe that the World Racers are living this principle. I am unbelievably excited to be spending the next year of my life as if it were His life, spending it with 27 other people who believe that too.

The question remains: have you pulled your boat ashore? If not, why? What is stopping you? If so, write about it! I want to hear stories from real people who are living God’s dream for their lives.

You all are a tremendous blessing to me and I am so thankful to the people who have made this life a reality for me. May God bless you for your faithfulness!