Lately my life has looked a little like that old TV show “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?” From one week to the next it is hard telling where I may pop up. In the past few months I have hit just about every state in the Eastern seaboard and it has been amazing. I have connected with old friends, new friends and some pretty cool strangers too.
This week my travels have found me back in Lakeland, FL for a few more weeks at the Revival. My heart has been crying out to the Lord for passion, wisdom, direction and so much more during my time here. I hope to write more specifics on the things God has been teaching me in the coming weeks. It has been a huge blessing to be here and my spirit is being fed and prepared for the months to come.

The process that led me to decide to head back out on the Race again in October was completely God. I will admit it is something I really struggled through for a few weeks, but I am so happy with the conclusion. God began preparing me last winter in quietly whispering that I wasn’t done yet. As the end of the Race neared I had a few conversations with AIM leadership and we had some tentative ideas, but I was not anywhere near ready to make decisions. I really felt that I needed to return home and honor my family and friends that I had been away from for a year; as I returned I prayed through many options and listened for the voice of the Lord. It was clear pretty early on that doors were closing in Lexington (see
HALLWAY blog) and that doors were opening on the mission field. I had some awesome conversations with leadership and some others that I really respect and I jumped at the chance to lead a bunch of radicals all over the world!
Last year this blog became a place of intense honesty and a place where I shared the joys, trials and pain of our nomadic lifestyle and I am so thrilled to have the opportunity to share with you again. I am starting this Race in a completely different place spiritually and emotionally; I am healthier in both areas, but of course I do have some fears about signing up for another year. The enemy has my ear on a few areas and your prayers are vital to me now more than ever. Last year I identified so strongly with Moses when they asked me to lead our squad and oddly enough I find my self drawn there again.
Moses said to the LORD, “You have been telling me, ‘Lead these people,’
but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. You have said,
‘I know you by name and you have found favor with me.’
If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and
continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your
people. The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Then Moses said to him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.
My cry to the Lord is for Him to teach me His ways and to find favor with Him. I want to petition Him on behalf of His people–the October squad. I am honored to be in a position to seek the Lord on their behalf and to war for them in the heavenlies. Like Moses I absolutely can not go without His presence. I have spent my time in Lakeland crying out for the presence of God.

I want to be filled to overflowing with His love, His passion, His heart for these new teammates. Please join me during this time of preparation and refinement.
Next week I will join the 60+ October racers at training camp in Georgia and I remember so well those intense days. Pray for them to be broken so that God can build them back up, pray that the details of support raising, house selling, quitting jobs, etc…will all be taken care of easily, pray that everything falls away except that which God wants to remain in them. I urge you to start reading their blogs, praying for them and leaving your special comments for them. The months before I left last year were some of the hardest of my life and I want to begin now in lifting them up.
I will be in Florida this week, GA next week and then will make my way home with a stop along the way for an amazing WR June 2007 reunion at the wedding of Brooke and Silas! I am so excited to see everyone that I can hardly stand myself! It will be an awesome time of re-connecting and catching up on where everyone has landed the past few months.
Thank you for your prayers, love, support and so much more. More soon….