I have been in Hong Kong this week with two teams working with an inspiring organization.  For their protection I am not at liberty to openly share as much as I would like, but we have all been awed by their passion and drive. 

The organization exists to connect resources with needs around the world.  Hong Kong serves as a fantastic point of global distribution and they have a team here that would rival any business Stateside.  They may have a manufacturer that donates 2,000 extra men’s business suits and then they may have pastors in Africa who would give their left arm for a real suit.  Their business is to connect the two and meet the needs.  This is just a basic example of the thousands of items, from commercial to houseware items, that are connected and shipped from here weekly.

Most of the employees are volunteers from the UK or Australia, and many other nations are represented as well.  It is a global community that gathers every morning for prayer and worship and we have been inspired and challenged by their heart for the nations.

The teams here have been helping in any way imaginable.  They have been doing heavy lifting, picking up donated items, sorting through suits, making Christmas cards, and lots of other great things as well.  We have been blessed living here as we have two apartments with hot water and A/C in the bedrooms!  It is the little things in life!

Jake and I also had the opportunity this week to play a little dress-up and go out on the town.  One of the ministries we have partnered with in the past, and hope to do so in the future, is International Care Ministries.  They are a ministry to the Philippines, with a Board of Directors mostly made up of Hong Kong businessmen.  Their annual fundraiser was this week and we had the pleasure of representing AIM and the World Race.  Black Tie was quite a change from our normal attire!