Home is a funny word.  As soon as you say the word pictures and thoughts flood your mind.  
Warm lighting.
        Soft towels that smell good.
              LOTS of laughing.
                     Comfy beds with extra blankets.
                           Clean clothes!
                                    Hot showers.
                                        DELICIOUS food.  (funfetti cupcakes!!!)                                                                                                   
                                                                                                       Sleeping in.
                                                                                     Cable TV and HBO
                                                          Good Coffee and hazelnut creamer!
                                             Dinner conversations
                                  Lots of questions!  🙂
My home is characterized by all these things and so much more.   I sat on the plane a week ago and smiled thinking about coming home.  The circumstances were unfortunate, but there is always just something about coming home.   Something about walking through the door and everyone is excited to hear where you have been, what you have been doing and WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH YOUR LIFE?????     My family has honestly learned to stop asking that question.  🙂  They know that God truly only knows and I just go with the flow.  
We have pondered heaven a lot this week.  What it looks like, who will be there, what will we look like, etc….It is just natural to wonder about these things as you are waving goodbye for now to someone you love.  We have talked about faith, religion, and love.  We have our own ideas about if Grandpa’s tractor will be there, if he will still look “like a Grandpa”, and if he will recognize his family and it has been fun to talk about them.
As we talked I continued to run Philippians 3:20 over in my head   “Our citizenship is in heaven.”
And I thought about going home. So many times over the course of the week we told Gramps that it was okay to go.  We wanted him to be free to go home.  I thought about how I liked to come home and what it must be like to finally arrive in our heavenly home.  I can almost picture the Angels peeking over the window ledge and waving.  Their big wings smacking each other in the face in their excitement.  Shouting questions as he came walking towards them:  “What was it like???    Are you ready to be home??  What took you so long?”  I can see them crowding around the banister of heaven in excitement and the huge shouts of praise as he met his Heavenly Father.
If HOME on this side of heaven is such an amazing place we truly can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like on that side of heaven.
Welcome home, Grandpa.  Welcome Home.