of the things I love most about working with Adventures In Missions is that when there is a need, we as an
organization immediately begin working to respond. And that includes
everything from collecting donations to mobilizing people to actually
This morning, one of our directors who just got back from
Port-au-Prince yesterday, told our staff:
“We didn’t initiate the Kingdom there. We didn’t single-handedly bring
it. It was already present. God is already moving, and the people are
responding to Him. And the people of Haiti are releasing the Kingdom
into their own nation. But God is inviting us to be a part, and to join
with them as a family, as the Body of Christ. We aren’t going to be
their saviors; we are going to support them; to show them we love them.
It is our honor, and our privilege.”
Sweet and simple: If you want to go to Haiti, AIM is taking teams consistently for the next 6 months. If you want to go, we want to help get you there. If you know someone who wants to go, please pass this along to them.
This page has all the listed trips available as of now. Most are 7 days, some are 9, some are 14 days; for the next 6 months

This is the main site.

Take 3 minutes to watch this
practical video on what your time in Haiti might be like. And let me
know if you have any questions, or if you decide to go!