There once was a girl having a very grumpy day.  It seemed her phone rang off the hook day and night, she had bazillions of emails, and she got to make a lot of hard decisions.  She LOVED every minute of it, but sometimes she was overwhelmed.  And in the dark quiet hours of the night a little doubt snuck in about what she was doing and why.  Those pesky little voices saying nasty things like “why don’t you get a real job?” and “you know this really isn’t making a difference”…you know the ones. Those nasty doubts that we all battle in some form or another.
One afternoon she arrived back home and to her surprise she had a giant envelope.  Filled with notes of love and encouragement!!  Not only notes of encouragement, but notes of TRUTH and FREEDOM.  Notes of changed lives.  Notes of making a difference.
There was a funny story attached about dark, cold nights in Israel and crappy handwriting because of hand cramps.  But there was LOVE in that envelope.  It literally seeped into the rest of the day and week.  It invaded and BLASTED out every doubt, every dark thought.  It brought tears of joy in place of tears of frustration.  It brought a sense of peace into chaos.  LOVE changed everything.
The END.
You guys absolutely made my day, my week, my year!!!  I can not begin to express what simple notes of encouragement did for me.  Thank you for speaking truth, loving well and making my day.  I have never been so sure of what God is doing in you and through you.  Thank you for being a squad that honors so well.
I just heard a sermon on how a miracle culture can not exist without a culture of honor.  You guys are living it.  You are a culture of honor and I so believe in you.  I BELIEVE you will raise the dead!  I BELIEVE blind eyes will see.  I BELIEVE freedom will come to everyone around you.  Get out there and do the stuff.  I am prophesying some BIG stuff into your time in Africa.  I can’t wait to see you and hear testimony of what God has done through you.
Colossians 1:3-14 is what I am praying for you guys right now.    Love you!!