I have been traveling a lot lately for work, and spending many hours in airports and airplanes.  My family gently reminds me it is good practice for next year 🙂

I recently had a layover in the Cincinnati airport in which God truly opened my eyes in anticipation of the World Race.

As I was descending the escalator to the bus that would allow me to change terminals, I noticed a commotion ahead of me involving a smallish, elderly lady.  She refused to get on the escalator.    In the hustle and bustle of a large airport on a Monday morning she was causing quite a back-up of people hoping to get around her.

I watched as people pushed, sneered and were generally rude to the poor thing as they rushed past.  I had plenty of time before my next flight and decided to stand back and observe.  There was a very helpful Delta representative, obviously embarrased, trying to coax her on to the escalator.  Of course she could only do this by getting on the escalator herself and starting to ride down.  This left the elderly lady standing at the top still refusing to go down.  I watched as the Delta rep rode up and down at least twice before finally giving up.

It was at this point I decided to see if I could help.  I approached the elderly lady and realized that she was Chinese and did not speak any english.  She was wearing a pin on her shirt explaining that she was new to our country and giving her name.    I locked eyes with her and smiled my most encouraging smile and motioned at the escalator.  She widely smiled back and gave zero indication she would like to ride down with me.  By this time the Delta lady had returned back up and she and I exchanged glances; we were both determined to help the poor thing down the escalator.   It was no small feat, but we managed to coax her down!  Thru teary eyes and a large smile she indicated she enjoyed her first escalator ride!  Of course, this was only the first of many other firsts at an American airport, but long story short I safely delivered her to her gate and could only pray as she disappeared thru the boarding door that she would be greeted at the other end of her travels by someone that spoke some Chinese.

I tell the story to illustrate that God used that small encounter to slowly crack the door and show me experiences we will encounter next year.   In no way, shape, or form was I able to share my faith with her thru words.  All I could offer was a warm smile and encouraging body language.  She chattered on in Chinese the entire time I was with her, but never was I able to offer a reply that she understood.    All I had was a smile and a prayer offered up for her safety and salvation. 

“And they will know we are Christians by our love…”

Father God: Please help us all to be examples of your love.  God, when we don’t have words let our actions reflect your light.  I ask for your blessings on my little friend and hope and pray that she knows of your saving grace.