Antigua, Guatemala has to be one of my favorite cities in the World. I wish I could take you with me to explore the cobblestone streets, eat delicious crepes and meet some of the wonderful people of Guatemala. I spent a month last year living in Antigua and returned a few weeks ago for a quick trip. Every street held memories of my time there on the race. I drug my traveling companions to random restaurants where I had had life-changing conversations, or life-changing burritos!!
We walked past the hospital where I held children that were handicapped and malnourished, but so full of joy. We wandered the market where we made friends with the locals and tried all the delicious fruits of Central America. Every step was a memory and reminder of God’s goodness.
I return there this morning for a few days of debrief with the Oct 08 squad and the June 09 squad. I would love your prayers as we travel and share our hearts with these awesome Racers. I am spending the next 5 days with 80+ WORLD CHANGERS. Pray that the Lord would give me wisdom and discernment. Pray I would know when to speak and when to listen. Pray that Jesus would be glorified in every conversation and every prayer. Pray that in the next 5 days the KINGDOM of GOD would advance in powerful ways.
The June 09 squad is scheduled to move on to Nicaragua, but because of the political unrest in Honduras we are holding them in Guatemala for the time being. Pray that peace would come to the people

of Honduras and that God would reign in that country. Pray that we would be able to safely transition the squad into Nicaragua.
The October 08 squad is in their final two months on the field. They are so precious to me and I could not be more proud of all that God has done in them and through them the past 9 months. Please pray that they are refreshed and energized for the final 2 months and that they would be used in mighty ways.