Our travels have quieted at least for the next week. We finally left Atlanta on Wednesday night on a 6:30 pm flight. We flew all night and landed about 7AM Thursday morning in London. We decided to embrace our time in London and hit the town. We checked our luggage and found our way to the tube. A few of us decided to take one of the famed double-decker bus tours and saw all the high points of London in about 3 hours. We were definitely jet-lagged and tired, but so thrilled to say we went to London.

We snapped some quick pics at Buckingham palace and as soon as we get a faster internet connection I will put them up for you.

We hopped on a plane about 9PM bound for Johannesburg and grabbed some much needed rest. The Lord was gracious to us and most everyone had at least one empty seat next to them on the flight. I was lucky enough to snag three in a row and slept a solid 8 hours!! I woke up just in time for breakfast and to see the first glimpses of AFRICA!!!

Because of our early week travel complications we ended up staying a night in Pretoria, South Africa for one unexpected night in order to give the other half of our team time to catch up with us a day later. We were greeted at the airport by some wonderful friends of AIM (Adventures in Missions), who drove us to a quick missionary retreat in the country. We grabbed some showers and amazing food and met up with the other half of our team on Saturday morning.

We didn’t realize how much we had already bonded with our newfound family and were happy to be reunited. From there we rode in 2 small “mini-buses� to Swaziland. It was approx a 5 hour bus ride that we mostly spent sleeping. ☺ Minus a quick “punch� in the tire (flat tire), we had an uneventful journey.

Once in Swazi we arrived at the AIM base and were joyfully greeted by the January World Race team. They welcomed us with banners, candy, and smiles. It was amazing to feel at home and embraced by their team. We are staying at a house on the AIM base with about 60 girls living inside and 20 guys camping on the front lawn. Bathrooms and space are pretty limited and we are definitely learning about community living.

This week will be mostly be spent in training and our internet is limited, so please don’t worry if you don’t hear much. We should know more about our future plans in the coming days.

Please continue to pray for health, safety and team unity. Everyone is doing really well, but we are definitely jet-lagged and dragging. I continue to pray for everyone at home and look at your pictures and encouragement on a daily basis!

Much love! Peace out.

2 Corinthians 2:14-15 “But thanks be to God who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and leads us everywhere in the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.�