Because I enjoyed the cuisine of Africa a little too much (ahem!), I have started the World Race version of a “healthy lifestyle”. I am really starting to watch the snacking and constant eating that I had started in Africa, and am trying to exercise as much as possible.

Anyone who is familiar with my ban on “gas station food” will be appalled to know that it has become a staple here in Asia. I know, I know, I swore it would never happen, but the Seven 11’s on every corner are just too tempting especially when everyone else is enjoying fountain coke and kit kats every half a mile! My favorite breakfast is even banana nut muffins from the Seven 11! What has my life come to?

Contrary to popular belief, Pad Thai three meals a day is just not something I am ok with, so I had to branch out and on our budget Seven 11 is the next best thing! Have I justified it enough yet?

Anyway, all that to say I am on the “healthy lifestyle” and curbing snacks and exercising more. The snacks aren’t really all that hard, just a little self-control, but the exercise is a different story. Luckily, I love to run and it is something I can usually do anywhere. It is a bit of a challenge here in Thailand because although it is very safe to be out and about, the traffic is nuts. It will be a miracle if one of us does not make unwanted contact with a crazy motorbike at some point during our stay here. There aren’t many traffic laws that I can tell, so running can be a bit hazardous at times, but I have persevered and run 5 out of 7 days. Keep in mind that it is about 90 degrees and 100% humidity about 22 hours out of the day, so it is a sweaty venture, but a little sweat never hurt me! I convince myself that the more I sweat the more calories I am burning, right??

I am in Pattaya with team Lego this week and last night Brady and I decided to venture over to the Big C (a wal-mart type place) and partake in their exercise class. To explain, in the parking lot of the Big C a guy comes and sets up a speaker and some music and the Thai ladies join him for some high-impact aerobics. We had seen it a few times and were bored with running and decided to mix it up—so we joined them! Luckily for you, we knew this was definitely going to have some entertainment value and decided to bring our camera for a little video footage. If I only knew just how entertaining this was going to be…enjoy!

PS Bear in mind that the instructor does not speak English and we certainly don’t speak Thai, so following instructions was challenging to say the least. I laughed more tonight than I have in a LONG time, and it was all at my own expense. Good for the abs, right?

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