Life in Africa is anything but boring and this week in Mbita, Kenya was no exception.  I was praying for healings, manifestations of the Spirit and some real “bush” life.  I got all that and so much more.
Paul says it best in Ephesians 3:20 “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, according to his power that is in work within us.”  He did so much more than I could have hoped for and He gets all the glory.
Wednesday morning found me at the hospital praying with patients of varying ages and diagnosis’.  The team was partnering with local Pastors and we spent time bedside with patient after patient.  Hospital ministry is some of my favorite and I cherish spreading joy and smiles with each patient.  As I have mentioned in other blogs, hospitals in 3rd World countries leave a LOT to be desired and this one is no exception.  All of the beds were full in the Women’s Ward and as I walked out of the room I came across a young teenage girl named Lucy laying on the cement outside the room.  Her mom was watching close by and welcomed our prayers.
I knelt down on the ground with her and gently asked her name and if it was ok for me to lay hands on her.  She silently nodded a reply and I began to pray.  The Pastor was translating for me and I softly told her how much Jesus loved her and that He was able and willing to heal her.  Again she nodded and I continued.  As I asked the Holy Spirit for direction in prayer I had the strong impression that she had had some curses spoken over her.  It is common in Kenya for many people to consult witchdoctors and I had the Pastor ask her mom if she had ever been exposed to this type of evil.  Mom confirmed that she had in fact visited and been treated by a witchdoctor previously.  I continued to intercede as he translated for me. 
“In the name of Jesus, we break off any curse spoken over you and call your body back under the complete authority of Jesus Christ…”  Just as we were getting rolling I was interrupted by someone behind me.  I swivel around on my knees and there is a white woman yelling in a language I don’t understand.  She suddenly switched to English and I began to understand something spiritual was happening. 
Pastor Samuel turned to me as if to say “Do you understand what is happening here?” and I gave him my nod and quietly continued to pray and rebuke the enemy.  The more I prayed the more she yelled.  She went on and on about how we were confusing the people and there was no such thing such as witches and satan.  I refused to give her my attention and prayed and prayed.  We knelt there for what felt like hours, but in reality it was all so fast.  It was evident that she was either manifesting something demonic or practiced some kind of witchcraft herself.  Just as quickly as she arrived she disappeared.  No one saw where she went and she has not been seen since.   Interesting that she turned up only when I mentioned witchcraft.
We focused on Lucy and began to see some relief in her eyes.  Thank you Jesus for your protection and blood that covers us completely in all things.
The next day we returned to find Lucy divinely healed and being discharged from the hospital!  We promptly threw a little party with cokes and mendozi (african doughnuts).  There is a chance that Jesus managed to pay her hospital bill as well and provide some physical relief as well as spiritual relief to their situation.  🙂  I love it when He does that!