Cristie is one of my favorite people of all time. I have never met someone so easy to be around, so happy, and so in love with Jesus.

Cristie is one of the youngest people with us, but she is one of the most spiritually mature people too. The depth of her love and knowledge of God continue to astound me. Cristie didn’t have problems remembering her priorities when the rest of us were distracted, tired and hungry. Cristie is one of those people I could always count on to pray and I knew when she said she would that she would be faithful to do it.

There were times throughout the year when I was not with the team and Cristie continued to encourage me through emails and notes. So many times I felt alone and on a leadership island and Cristie continued to reach out of me in incredible ways. She truly loved me in ways I can’t even describe. She ALWAYS had a kind word and I can guarantee she has never uttered an unkind word about anyone.

She has a passion and fire for Jesus that is unmatched and has taught me so much about worship. I will never forget a night in South Africa when the Lord told Cristie to dance and she was obedient. There were probably 80 racers and debriefers and she had the obedience to dance in front of all of them—I have never witnessed devotion and worship like that. I have never seen anyone chase the heart of Jesus like she does, and it is beautiful. She has one of the purest hearts of anyone I have met and is so much fun to be around.

One of my favorite memories on the Race is the night in Cambodia when Cristie and I ran through the halls of the hotel ringing doorbells on everyone’s doors. Cambodia debrief was really stressful for me and Cristie had the pleasure of rooming with me and as our stress relief we raced up and down the hall about 9PM and rang door bells on all the hotel rooms. It was exactly the kind of laugh I needed and so much fun.

Crisite supported me this year just by her presence. She truly lives the love of Jesus, even when it is hard. Throughout a whole LOT of crap this year, she always supported, always prayed and always loved.

Cristie, I love you girl! Thank you so much for loving me this year. You are an amazing woman of God and I look up to you so much. Thank you for being transparent, passionate, and lovely. Thank you for being Jesus to me. The Lord has a huge anointing on your life and I can’t wait to watch it play out. Love you!

“You are my portion, O Lord; I have promised to obey your words. I have sought your face with all my heart; be gracious to me according to your promise.” Psalm 119:58-58