The 42nd Generation is about getting inheritance 

A few days ago, I shared about what the 42nd Generation is. In yesterday’s blog I shared more of Andrew Shearman‘s revelation of the 42nd Generation and what it practically means for the Jesus-follower. I continue it below:

God has stockpiled treasures for
you – not the kind of material abundance that the prosperity gospel wackos
would have you believe, but a great inheritance in the form of kingdom
fruit. To learn more about how you get
it, we study the children of Israel, who after 42 stops in the desert, crossed
over the Jordan.

As described in Numbers 33, the
Israelites are about to go to their inheritance. They are about to run the
family business. They are about to be
adopted. And their leader is Joshua.

Joshua is the Jesus-type figure
of the Old Testament. Joshua couldn’t do
it in the flesh. He had to meet the
Christ. We have here what is called a
christophany, a manifestation of Christ in the flesh before his
incarnation. Christ appears as the Lord
of Hosts.

Joshua has to
have an
understanding of Christ before he can get across the river. So Christ
has to be formed. Joshua is on his face worshiping Christ. Joshua was
asked to take his sandals off.

Ruth 4:7 says,
“Now in earlier
times in Israel,
for the redemption and transfer of property to become final, one party
took off
his sandal and gave it to the other.” This was the method of legalizing
in Israel. By giving the other person
your shoe, you were giving up all rights to the land, legally and
forever. God
wants to take off your shoes and give you the land of your heart. He
wants totally surrender so that he can bless you with inheritance.

There are three main feasts:
Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles or Harvest. The Passover feast was about salvation,
deliverance, and the blood. The angel of
death passed over their houses because they killed a lamb and put the blood
over the door post.

The Pentecost feast was all about
the manifested presence of God. It was
about mountains shaking and God speaking.
It was about the having the oil of God on his children.

The Feast of
the Tabernacle was
about the harvest that God provided year after year. It was also called
an inheritance feast. The children of Israel could not celebrate this
in the wilderness because they had no harvest.
The amazing thing is that they had no need for a harvest. Day after
Day, God would provide all the food
they needed from the sky. There were
three parts to this celebration. First,
they would blow trumpets as a way of saying to God’s chosen people,
ready.” Second, there was a day of
atonement. Then, they had the Feast of
Tabernacles itself.

One of the things we, as the body
of Christ, need to learn to do to prepare for the inheritance is to learn how
to celebrate. Celebrating has to do with
being enraptured, totally head over heels in love with Jesus. It is an attitude of not caring what people
around you think as you put your heart and soul into worshiping the king. God calls us to celebrate not just as
individuals, but we need to celebrate corporately.

The sound in the earth of the
people of the 42nd generation is people who know how to shout. It’s the sound of the abundance of rain. All kingdoms are established with a shout,
never a whisper. If you’re a member of
the 42nd generation, the one that is going to get its inheritance
and come into its destiny, you’re going to have learn how to shout.

This teaching on the 42nd
generation is life-changing, so I hope you stick with it.