Hands down my most favorite person in the country of Uganda.  And that is saying something, because I pretty much love every person in Uganda.  The Rev is special like that.
I met The Rev (as we affectionately called him) in Gulu, Uganda.  We were working with an incredible organization called Child Voice International.  They are bringing hope, restoration and healing into the lives of women child soldiers in Northern Uganda.   I could write books about this amazing ministry and the things they are doing in Uganda, but that is for a different day.
The Rev didn’t technically work for CVI, but he lived there, spent his daily energy serving the women there, and his heart is buried deep in the people. My mud hut happened to be next to his mud hut, and nice neighbor that I am we shared morning teeth brushing time together.  Life in Uganda is pretty simple and the morning routine consisted of stumbling out of my mud hut and hopefully brushing my teeth with some clean water.  Some days = success and some days did not = success.  The Rev and I were co-conspirators in the saving of clean water for our teeth. 
Somehow I found myself taking temperatures, height, weight and all manner of other kind of triage-type medical information alongside the Rev.  (nevermind that neither of us have a lick of medical training…).  We shared laughs, tears and lives.  Somewhere along the line I met his family, we were in a minor bus accident together, and saw many people come to know the love of Jesus.  He is an incredible man filled with wisdom, passion and a quick wit.  I consider it my honor to work alongside of the Rev, encourage his daily walk with Jesus, love on his family and provide for some of his basic needs because of YOU.  You sent me.  And it is just one of the 32 ways that YOUR support allows the ministry of Jesus to be taken to the ends of the earth.

 Will you consider giving $32 per month
representing your investment in my life?  The best birthday present you
can give me is the opportunity to continue serving the World Race. 
Questions about your donation?  Please email me at
[email protected].  Many thanks!