Gabey! I love this precious girl and she has been such an amazing friend to me this year. Gaberielle had the awesome task of taking care of so many of our media needs all year long and she is an absolute rock star because of it. She battled so many things from broken computers, cameras, hard drives, and the list continues, but she never let it get her down and continued to press forward.

Amidst all the fun media stuff, she also had some fantastic times of ministry. Everything from leading worship at kids camps, loving on prostitutes, teaching English and anything in between Gabey loved on everyone around her.
She always greeted us all with a huge smile and a “Hi friend!” and was such an encouragement to me personally. Gaberielle has battled some huge things in her life and wrestled with the Lord and together they are winning!

Her outlook on life is one to be modeled and her love for the Lord is humbling. She gives, gives, and gives a little more. Gabey is one of those people I wouldn’t see for a month and we would easily slip into an awesome friendship. She is so easy to talk to, so easy to bear your heart with, and speaks love over everyone.

Gabrielle was one of my biggest champions and supporters all year. I could always count on her for wisdom, discernment and a hug even in the middle of tough circumstances. She loved with her WHOLE heart and we are all lucky to be called her friends. She was always ready to bust out a song and believed that life set to song is the only way to go. My all-time favorite memory is in the dressing room of Forever 21 in Manila. Somehow we all ended up trying on some sparkle and dancing around to her singing. It was the most fun I had had in ages. We have all spent many an hour sipping coffee and searching out the nearest Starbucks.

I love you girl and am so excited about your next steps in life. Thank you for modeling humility and transparency and I know the Lord is going to bless your socks off. Thanks for always being the encouragement that I needed and ready with a smile. You have richly blessed all of us this year and I am proud to call you friend.