You’re going to do missions in 11 different countries? Yes.

So, you’re quitting your job? Yes.

And you’re moving out of your house and leaving your roommates? Yes.

You’re leaving me for 11 months? Yes.


long pause…


Why? Because of Jesus.


As I’ve been mulling over what to say in this first blog post and asking myself how to answer the “Why?” question, I’ve felt this ball of uncertainty growing in the pit of my stomach.


“WHY am I doing this? What am I thinking? I must be crazy.”


And then there’s a flood. A flood of peace that flows from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. Because of Jesus.


Ahhhhhh, yes. That’s right. I’m choosing to take a step of faith into a season of unknown because of my love for Jesus. It’s my desire to be obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit, to serve God with my whole life and to share the love of Jesus and the hope of the Gospel. I know that I need to grow in boldness in all of these areas. And the idea of doing that while traveling to different parts of the world is kinda really amazing.


Can’t you do all those things right here? Yes, absolutely.


As lovers of Jesus, we are to be light wherever we are and I pray that my life has reflected the love of Jesus to those around me. I believe that I’m being called to step outside my world of comfort into a world of trust. This opportunity pushes me to greater trust in God in regards to my finances (especially in about the funding of this trip), my life (leaving a life with security) and my future (well.., you know, like the future). I’m excited/terrified of all the ways the trip will force me to grow in my understanding of God, His plan for my life and my understanding of myself.

Is this adventure going to be easy? Heck no, but boy am I excited. Yes, I may be leaving you for 11 months, but you’ll be with me in my heart. I pray that you’ll join me on this journey via this blog, photos, prayer and financial support!



In pursuit of this journey, I am needing partners – financial partners and but more importantly prayer partners. I ask that you pray about your participation in the journey and how you can be a supporter of this adventure.