Time certainly flies on the race! I do want to let you know things are going well and ministry here in Honduras has been challenging but so rewarding. Yes, as I write this we’ve just begun our third week in our third country. Internet access again has been limited so blog updates, emails, and photos are few and far between, yet that does not mean I have nothing to say. Quite the contrary. 

The goal I had prior to leaving for the World Race was to “be present”. Photos and letters lack a little because I’m enjoying days with children, teaching and loving. Evenings are full of fellowship with my teammates, star gazing and swimming. It’s been quite some time since I’ve opened up my laptop but I want to share with you how month two in Guatemala concluded.

Our ministry for the month in Guatemala mainly focused on getting know, serve and love on widows in Xenacoj and surrounding towns. Near the end of our month we were able to bless one of the widows we had met by rebuilding the walls of her kitchen. Previously constructed with dried cornstalk, a serious fire hazard, we were able to buy wood and with the help of 27 other Racers, finished the task in a little over two hours. Accompanied with music, a joyful team and the Holy Spirit, God poured out his goodness in that widow’s home and heart.

Another beautiful story to share: On weekends, our contact German leads a Saturday morning breakfast and church service inviting all the widows from Xenacoj. The very last day of ministry, German’s daughters blessed the women on our team by dolling us up in traditional Guatemalan dress. The widows were delighted to see all of us “gringas” dressed up. That same day German was a recipient of TOMS shoes that we gave to the widows. If you are not familiar with TOMS, they have a “one for one” promise, donating a pair of shoes for every pair they sell. Words cannot explain the beauty and love that inhabited our home that Saturday morning.

Jumping forward to my current month, we are residing in beautiful in Catacamas, Honduras. Contrary to safety concerns, we’ve been healthy, happy and safe. We’ve been blessed beyond what we could imagine (air conditioning and a pool!) but are staying grounded and focused on the Lord to ensure the comforts of this place do not cause us to become lazy in our ministry.

Honduras has been thus far one of my favorite countries on the race – only 3 months in. Next week we will head out for country number four, Nicaragua! As we wrap up our final week of ministry in Catacamas I’ll be working on typing up the stories from Honduras that have changed my perspective and heart in so many ways. Please continue praying for our team and myself!