Well my friends, a truer statement could not have been uttered… Until today. I finally broke my long running (pun unintended) streak of idleness to lace up my sneakers and pound the pavement. Many of you know my love for running and how I’ll always advocate you to sign up for the next 5k (do it!!). While I’m passionate about this, describing myself as a “lazy runner” could be a little more accurate. I throw out my “no free time” defense regularly, but if I were really dedicated about maintaining my health and hobby, “no free time” becomes a lame excuse.

Over the past few years I’ve also come to recognize how my spiritual health parallels with my running routine. Many of my best times with the Lord are when I run. No distractions except the smell of trees, sounds of the pavement beneath my feet and a regularly breathing rhythm in pace with my prayers. No one to text me, no Facebook to distract me and no focus in mind other than to run and ponder the paths of my feet. 

As the miles add up, the distractions fade and His voice breaks through to speak truth and conviction in my life. It’s been about 3 months since my last real run and it’s safe to say I’m long overdue.

This evening God revealed to me just how desperately out of shape I really am – physically and spiritually. My arms grew heavier as the minutes wore on; my legs began to feel jelly-like and a fear of tripping over myself could have become reality if I continued. My breathing never regulated and I’m still coughing to get enough air in. I felt better running my half marathon with bronchitis!

Recognizing my physical deterioration hit me hard in the face as I saw how it reflected in my heart and relationship with Christ today. How many times have I told myself I’d read my Bible tomorrow morning because I’m running late today? How often do I say “five minutes” on Facebook that turns into an hour of aimlessly browsing when I could spend time praying for hearts to know God’s love? 

My “no free time” excuse becomes the biggest insult I could thrust in God’s face. Being a Christian, no matter what church you attend, is about relationship with Jesus. How can you maintain a relationship if you don’t call, you never spend time together or you never make them a priority? God is God. Why isn’t He first and foremost of my priorities?

Conviction sucks. But it’s GOOD at the same time. I don’t think I know a single Christian runner who doesn’t want to paste the following verse on every sweat-wicking t-shirt they own:

“…and let us run the race of endurance that is set before us,” Hebrews 12:1

Yes! But even more important is what follows, “…looking to Jesus, the founder and perfector of our faith.” Without a focus we’re running aimlessly. Christ is our goal and the one who calls us to run this race of endurance. He’s the cheerleader on the sidelines; he’s handing us that cup of Gatorade at mile 12; he’s carrying you when the muscles cramp up and you can’t go on. But even more importantly, He is waiting for you at the finish line with open arms for that sweaty embrace to tell you, “well done my beloved.”

So right now I’m slowly, but steadily making my way through the book of Isaiah. I’ll give you updates as I read because I sure need accountability. Praying for you to dive deep into his word or in prayer with him this evening.