It’s far time I share with you a little delight I’ve been holding onto for a few weeks, waiting to reveal at the right moment. Back in January I inherited a guitar from my teammate who left the race. I’ve always wanted to learn to play an instrument, guitar specifically, but never had the time or boldness. With a promise of returning it at the end of the 11 months, I excitedly began learning my 3rd language. Month two in Guatemala my friend Amanda began teaching me chords and before the end of the month helped me learn my first song, “Man of Sorrows.” 

As we headed into our third month in Honduras I shouldn’t have been surprised when Pastor Nelson asked our team to sing two songs at the church services on Sunday and Wednesday. *Note for future World Races: be prepared to sing/dance/act/preach at any given moment, whether you have an instrument to accompany or not 🙂

Preparing the English song was easy. As we looked for a Spanish song to sing, my teammate Brenna (who has the most impressive musical skills and a voice like an angel) suggested Oceans, by Hillsong. None of our other teammates were familiar with it in Spanish or comfortable joining, but suggested that she and I sing together… Um, what?

I need to tell you that in addition to wanting to learn guitar, I also have had a secret desire to lead worship. Through music and lyrics I hear God’s voice and see his face; I feel the Spirit coursing through my heart and can intimately speak to my Father without distractions or hesitation. I never imagined that this would be an opportunity God would give me. Nor would it be anything I would voluntarily do. But here was an open door, was I going to step out in faith or continue live in fear? 

“Cuando hay temor en mi camino, tú eres fiel y no cambiarás.”

“When feet may fail and fears surround me, you’ve never failed and you won’t stop now.”

With encouragement from my Dar Vida family and a lot of prayer, I chose to live in faith. That Sunday, for the first time, and with my sister Brenna at my side, I sang to the Lord in Spanish in front of numerous brothers and sisters I just met. Later that week Pastor informed us we would also be interviewed on the church’s TV and radio station, broadcasted throughout the city and surrounding towns. I laugh in amusement at what God was doing: testing to see if I would step away in fear or continue in faith. Once more I chose faith.

When I recognize that the work we are doing isn’t about us but about him, everything becomes easier. Taking my focus off myself and setting my eyes on Christ means that if I sound like a fool, look like a fool or behave like a fool, it’s okay because I will be a fool for Jesus. So a few weeks ago when my squad leader Ashley approached me about leading worship with Brenna during our time at Valle de Ángeles, Honduras, I laughed and accepted God’s challenge yet again. And on Monday, God answered the unprayed prayer that I was never bold enough to ask for. Together we led our squad of 27 in worship and God was so good.

Along with strumming, I am continuing to learn how to choose faith over fear. And as God has been helping me conquer my fears through faith and music, I thought the only name fitting for my g.o.l (guitar on loan) was exactly that, Faith

So, until next time, saludos desde Honduras from Faith and I.