I’m excited to tell you all that this month Team Trust Without Borders will be participating in the Unsung Heroes Campaign while in Guatemala. AIM/the World Race needs more ministry contacts around the world, so they’re appointing people on the field to actively look for such contacts and set up partnerships. In addition to expanding their network, AIM is also interested in identifying “unsung heroes” in ministry around the world. They consider an unsung hero to be someone who is “dedicated to serving some of the most impoverished populations in the world, especially if the ‘hero’ rarely receives recognition for their dedication and service.”

I was recently appointed to be one of the two “Spokespeople” for this program on my team. Working with Unsung Heroes puts me in a position to meet some really amazing people in Guatemala, who are already running fruitful, successful ministries. I’ll get to contact these people, screen them based on criteria from AIM, and potentially set up appointments to work with them and/or assess the possibility of a partnership with AIM.

In addition to the fact that I get to help AIM expand their ministry in Guatemala, I also get to do a lot of personal research. I’ll get a unique, inside perspective of many ministries in Guatemala and I’ll get to identify some of the countless “unsung heroes” of the Kingdom and draw them into the spotlight where they’ll have more access to resources and international recognition.

As my team and I were in training yesterday at Starbucks in Guatemala City, we met our first potential contact and will be traveling to their ministry site on Saturday to have our first official appointment. The Lord has already blessed our team tremendously over the past few days and I know He has huge plans for us this month.

If any of you happen to know of a good candidate in Guatemala City, the northwest, and/or eastern border of Guatemala, I would love to hear from you. Our heart is to simply come alongside people already carrying out the Gospel and to encourage them that they are not alone on this journey.

You can email me at [email protected]

Much love!