“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9


Dear Family and Friends,

It is with great excitement that I write to you today. I want to invite you into my life, and join me on a journey that the Lord has placed before me. This World Race is different than any race I have ever done and runs deeper than any competitive race I will ever do. It runs right to the core of who I am and has the potential to change my life forever. It is this experience that I wish to share with you and invite you to support me on. I believe God has called me to join Him on a race full of adventure and risk, heartbreak and joy, highs and lows, full of truth and hope: The World Race.



I am reaching out to you because YOU have made me a better person, and have contributed to who I am today.   It’s because of friends and family like you, people who have encouraged me, provided wisdom and guidance, comforted me, and shared life together, that this opportunity even exists. I have no bigger desire than to serve Jesus overseas, and give back to those in need what has been given to me: a chance to help others and share my life through the work of the Lord.  The World Race is the chance for me to follow these desires and grow personally. 


“We are made in the image of God; we carry within us the desire for our true life of intimacy and adventure. To say we want less than that is to lie.”       John Eldredge


 About the World Race    The World Race is an 11-month mission trip to 11 different countries around the world. During the World Race, my team and I will serve in partnership with churches and ministries in local communities to preach the Gospel, plant churches, work in orphanages, minister to women and children who are trapped in prostitution, and bring the restoration and hope of the Father’s love to many tribes and nations. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity and I am thrilled to be God’s hands and feet on the field. 


 How I was led to the Race      I first heard about the World Race a year ago, and since that seed was planted, I have felt God preparing me for it. He has called me to step out of what has become normal and comfortable, and is asking me to step into His plan. Although I knew I needed to go, it was not immediately clear when that time was. I went on my first mission trip to Uganda and Kenya in June 2013 and I will be traveling to Haiti in December. However, God kept putting it on my heart that there was something more. Through my work, I have seen that brokenness exists everywhere and that there is a huge need for laborers to go to the nations. In late October, God opened the door, and I was accepted to go on the World Race. I depart July 2014 and will return June 2015.


Invitation to Support    As you can imagine, participating on a trip like this will require a lot of fundraising. During my time discerning about whether this trip was right for me, one of the things truly holding me back was the cost. The total expense for my race is $16,275. This will cover all administrative costs, lodging, travel, food, and general expenses.  I personally plan to contribute what I can, but I am also humbly praying that God will call others to contribute. I would love if you too would prayerfully consider financially supporting me on this journey. Donations small, large, one time, or monthly are more than gratefully and thankfully appreciated. If you feel called to embark on this journey with me financially, I have a blog, allisonedwards.theworldrace.org, that I will update often and which you can donate through. I have also enclosed a response card and pre-addressed envelope if you prefer to send a check. Please make checks payable to Adventures In Missions and return the response card with your donation.


I have prayed over this letter, and I have faith that God knows how and where to use it. More than anything, my squad and I need a team of loved ones dedicated to supporting us in prayer. Prayer is the number one thing we need and the fuel that will allow us to be successful as we follow Christ’s leading in ministry in these countries. I ask that you please be praying for the challenges that lie ahead of me; living in a new and constantly changing culture, communicating through language barriers, protection from illnesses, and that I will have strength enough to constantly give of myself in selfless service. Above all, pray that my life will reflect the personal relationship that I have with Jesus Christ.


You are just as important in this mission trip as I am. It is the love and encouragement throughout the years that allows me to follow God so confidently into this adventure. Please know that this letter is only intended to be a tool for God’s work, and there are no expectations bundled with it. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Please contact me with any questions, concerns, or if you simply want to know more.


In Him,

Allison Edwards

 There are a few different ways you can support me financially:

  1. Click on “Support Me” on the left side of this page to donate online.
  2. Send a check directly to Adventures in Missions, P.O. Box 534470, Atlanta, GA 30353-4470. To ensure that your donation goes to me, please put Allison Edwards in the memo line.
  3. Dynapay is an automatic monthly bank withdrawal; you can fill out the form online at (www.adventures.org/dynapay/). There is no fee for this type of donation.

I have four funding deadlines that I have to meet:

 Funds Deadline #1: A total of $3,500 raised and in my account by May 3, 2014 (which is 2 weeks before training camp)

 Deadline #2: A total of $7,500 raised and in my account by June 17, 2014 (which is 2 weeks prior to my launch into the field)

 Deadline #3: A total of $11,000 raised and in my account by October 1, 2014 (which is the end of my 3rd month on the field)

 Deadline #4: A total of $16,285 raised and in my account by January 1, 2015 (which is the end of my 6th month on the field)