Kelly grew up as an only child in Oregon, with her single father. Her relationship with her mother wasn’t strong until she was out of high school, so it was just her and her dad. He was her hero and biggest fan, and he taught her about The Lord from a very young age. With his example she grew up loving God for as long as she can remember. When she was 8 years old her father got diagnosed with cancer, and after several long years of battling it, he passed away when she was 11. This devastated her, but her grandparents took her in and began raising her like she was their own daughter.

In school she excelled in academics and sports, and was very involved with her church. She had big plans to become a doctor, and was on the way to accomplishing it. However, when Kelly was 16 she heard a direct call from The Lord to full-time ministry. She was unsure of what that meant, but knew that if it was God’s plan, it would come true.

When she was 17, her grandmother was diagnosed with cancer, and passed away within a few short months. Her grandfather left immediately following, not wanting to raise a teenager in his old age. This left her devastated once again, feeling orphaned more than once in her young life.

However, God continued to prove Himself faithful to her, and spoke to a family from her church to adopt her. They brought her into their home, and she is one of their own children now. God then fully restored her relationship with her mother, and they are now closer than ever.

When Kelly was ready to go to college, God reminded her of her call to ministry. She left her dream of becoming a doctor, and moved to New York to attend Bible College. She went on the race 2 months after graduating, and plans to be a full-time missionary for the rest of her life.

The verse in Proverbs that tells us to “raise a child in the way of The Lord, and will not depart from it” is very true in her life. Her father planted the seed of The Lord in her from a young age, and despite all the tragedy in her life she has hung tightly to the promises of God. She has a special place in her heart for orphans, loves helping women know their worth in The Lord, and raising up pastors to teach truth in their countries.

Kelly is unsure of exactly where she will end up as a missionary, but knows that wherever God sends her will be perfect in His timing.