A new car, five years of groceries, or The World Race

(I took this from a blog written by the AIM staff that explains fundraising perfectly.)

$16,285 is quite a bit of money to raise.

A new car, five years of groceries, or the World Race. That’s a good chunk of change! It’s hard to live life on $16,285 a year, but Racers manage to live an extraordinary life on that kind of budget.

They live out of a backpack, sleep on floors, and trust God. 

When Racers, parents, and supporters hear they have to raise sixteen grand, it doesn’t matter that in reality Racers live simply on the bare minimum – it just sounds like a lot of cash. Cash that they don’t have. But cash that God wants to provide.

So often we believe God cares about us helping orphans, feeding the hungry, and freeing the trafficked – but does he forget about the cost to get us there?

I humbly ask for you to partner with me financially in order to help make this journey a reality. I am in need of $16,285 in order to go on The World Race. Paul teaches in 2 Corinthians 8: 10-15, it is one’s readiness and desire to give that qualifies their gift, not the amount. 

COST BREAKDOWN (What Your Donation Covers)

  1. Intercontinental Travel
  2. Food
  3. Lodging
  4. Transportation
  5. Long Distance Travel
  6. Misc. Supplies
  7. Training Camp 

There are a few different ways you can support me financially:

  1. Click on “Support Me” on the left side of this page to donate online.
  2. Send a check directly to Adventures in Missions, P.O. Box 534470, Atlanta, GA 30353-4470. To ensure that your donation goes to me, please put Allison Edwards in the memo line.
  3. Dynapay is an automatic monthly bank withdrawal; you can fill out the form online at (www.adventures.org/dynapay/). There is no fee for this type of donation.


I have four funding deadlines that I have to meet:

Funds Deadline #1: A total of $3,500 raised and in my account by May 3, 2014 (which is 2 weeks before training camp)

Deadline #2: A total of $7,500 raised and in my account by June 17, 2014 (which is 2 weeks prior to my launch into the field)

Deadline #3: A total of $11,000 raised and in my account by October 1, 2014 (which is the end of my 3rd month on the field)

Deadline #4: A total of $16,285 raised and in my account by January 1, 2015 (which is the end of my 6th month on the field)

Most importantly, I ask you for prayers. Pray for me, my squad, my team, the countries we will be traveling to or whatever you feel led to pray about; please pray. There is no possible way for me to go out into the world to share Jesus if I do not have an army behind me praying.

Thank you so much for your love, prayers, and support. I am so excited about what the next season of my life holds and I can’t wait to share more with you along the journey!