As I jump into the bed of a truck every morning and afternoon to head to ministry, I can’t help but thank God for that time. The wind rips through my hair, drowning out the voices around me and I am reminded that He is pursuing me hard. Just as relentless as the wind here in Chinandega, Nicaragua, my God is pursuing me.

When I am hot and drained from walking house to house in the 90 degree weather and when I am confused because of the language barrier and when I am questioning whether or not what I am doing is effectively bringing the kingdom, it is then that I am thankful that my faith is not based on my feelings. God’s Word does not change; His truths never change! He is persistent in showing Himself faithful even in the seemingly small ways. I just need to stop and take a step back. Here are a just a few of those moments God has opened my eyes to the beauty of what He is doing here:


When you see your squad mates boldly tell their testimonies in love for men who are battling addictions.


When you watch as little hands start to raise when Pastor Antonio asks who would like to accept Jesus into their life.


When a little girl starts putting flowers in your hair and you end up with the most beautiful pink crown.



When a little boy named Alexander smiles at you during a soccer game and later becomes your main target during an impromptu water fight.



When you climb a volcano and do it with the tangible strength that only God can give.



Lives are being changed here because of His love. His Spirit is moving and we are merely the vessels of His love and grace. 

John said it well when he wrote, “Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.” John 21:25