As wonderful and exciting as it would be to use smoke signals and carrier pigeons to communicate with me while I’m gone, might I suggest trying these first…

1. Send me off with a letter! People have been asking if they will be able to mail me letters or care packages. Unfortunately, no. I will be moving around too often and chances are it will never get to me. Not to mention it would cost an arm and a leg to send. But, you can write me a letter and give it to me before I go! This is a great way to encourage me, make me laugh, smile, cry, and dance, while I’m gone. Even if it means I won’t have room for that extra pair of socks, I will make room in my pack for each and every letter.

2. Write me an email!! ([email protected]) As much as I am going to want to share my travel stories, I too am going to want to hear all about what’s happening in your lives! Keep me posted! And it doesn’t even have to be exciting news…if you cut your finger with a bread knife, or your car keeps breaking down, or your apartment becomes infested with fruit flies, I want to hear about it. 

3. Skype/FaceTime! I will have my laptop with me and believe it or not wifi is available around the world. So if you get engaged and want to show me your ring you can, or if you want to show me your newest tattoo you can, or you can show me the gnarly scar you got from saving a cat from a garbage truck. The possibilities are endless.

If none of these ways work for you then I will be sure to keep my eyes open for any new fires or lost looking pigeons.


In other news, if you look to the left of this blog and scroll down, you will see pictures of 5 beautiful ladies. These are my teammates! If you have the time, please check out their blogs as well! They are walking the same road I am and would benefit from your encouragement and prayers, as well.


Love & Prayers,