“What in the world did I get myself into.” 

This was the first sentence in the journal entry I wrote after being at camp for one day.
I was exhausted after being up for almost 38hrs (I’m no good at sleeping in airports). I was overwhelmed by the 250 strangers around me. And then I looked at my tent, which would be my home for the next nine nights, and all I wanted was my bed.

Y’all, I felt all the feels during this ten day training.

When you ask how camp went, my best answer for you is: Hard. Yes, hard.
I was challenged physically with small food portions and morning workouts.
I was challenged spiritually with sessions every day that pushed vulnerability and soul searching.
I was challenged socially with the non-existent alone time that I usually use to re-charge.
I was challenged emotionally with the invitation to be open and vulnerable with strangers, overcoming the fear of rejection.
In all of this hard, though, is so much goodness. God is doing a good, beautiful thing in my heart. So often I want to run from hard but no more!

I don’t want to give away much more about camp for all of you future racers reading this. Please know, future racer, that there is so much beauty in the mystery of camp. Trust me. Just go with it. Show up and choose in, every day.

My wonderful C-squad. Reppin the New Zealand flag for our squad mate Lucie.

Just one of the many sleeping scenarios we were challenged to overcome.

These beautiful, powerful, passionate ladies will be the team I serve and live life with 24/7 as I start this journey in January. Look out world, team Fearless Abandon is coming.

Pic credit goes to my lovelies, Michelle and Lucie 🙂

There is so much more to share about all that God has done in my life through this amazing experience. If you want to hear more, let me know and we can get together!