I have been thinking a lot about how I see and perceive. Unfortunately I am finding that I don’t see very well.
For one, it’s because I need glasses. I lasted 26 years without needing them but alas, my eyes now need some help. Who knows how much of life’s little details I’ve been missing out on?
I realize, though, that even after I go to the eye doctor and they determine how strong a lens I need and I put those beauts on my face, I will still need help seeing.
With my glasses I may have a much easier time seeing physical characteristics of people, but boy am I still limited when looking at the whole person.
I think of what God said to Samuel when he was looking for the king God had selected. “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as a man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.” -1Sam16v7
I can’t perceive what God is doing in the soul or heart of a person without His Spirit telling me.
And isn’t that what Jesus is all about?
Seeing soul deep? After all, He did create us!
So, you know those moments when you catch your mind wandering and you snap back to reality only to realize that your wandering mind had given in to your judgmental heart? Nothing you were thinking about was reflective of anything honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, or anything else Jesus tells us to dwell on? Instead it was full of jealousy, lust, deception, or anger. Gosh, I hate when I find myself dwelling in the latter.
I mean for crying out loud, I am hindering God’s work in my life when I let my judgments dictate how I act, pray, or think about people! It’s infuriating.
Now I am about to join a group of practical strangers to travel the world for 11 months, serving and praying, in Jesus’ name. I cannot fathom the number of people I will be interacting with while I travel from one country to the next.
Allison, there is no room for judgement.
There just can’t be.
So with my new glasses adorning my face I am ready.
I am ready to ask God to show me what my physical limitations can’t show me.
And I want to start now.
God how do I really see my roommates, friends, family, future squad mates, those I have yet to meet?
Yes. Who wants to join me?
“But when He, the spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.” John16v13
My first fundraising deadline is coming up! I need $3,900 by September 25th in order to continue. Thank you all for partnering with me!